Dottech Online

WEB DESIGN PROJECT • Online Tech Newspaper

Dottech – Online Tech Newspaper

Professional Project

To The Last Dot Of the Tech Industry

Keep you informed with the latest news & trends

The Dottech is a Chicago-based organization that helps the tech industry to present, sustain and promote their latest trends, products and services to the public. Dottech’s primary target users are the business, start-ups and users that believe that technology is a viable way to transform our business and drive more success.

My goal was to design a responsive website to help users quickly access the latest information, advice, trends and tools in the tech industry. Create an online newspaper presence that will be available anytime and anywhere and will be presented and backed up by professional tech minds.

One of the problems that we want to address is to create one place to be a hub where tech businesses will have the necessary space to present, connect and expand their horizons.

Dottech – Corporate Identity

You cannot talk about the Tech industry without the pixel or the dot as the base and starting point. To generate such significant change and create a world of technology, you need a medium where the primary element, a dot or a pixel, can affect change and create interaction.

On the Dottech logo, we used a few dots with a dynamic interaction between them and the word tech. The first letter of the word Dottech is a good place for the dot interaction, and the composition can be used as part of the word, separately as an icon, or even as an app icon.

The  Design Concepts

To put together that large amount of information, I broke it into pieces and created diverse areas related to similar group information. Under the navigation and header, I made above the fold a rotating hero, where I decided to have five different promoted spots that will be previewed on a central bigger view.

Above the fold, I created two places where two featured areas will display static information. Moving down to the content area, I created a few spots where I’ll have together articles about Business, Gaming, Market Analysis, and Events, and the design is finished with the footer.


Dottech is a portal that uniformly brings a large volume of information from various sources. The challenge is to find a way to structure and display the material to be easily readable and to be pleasing to the eye. Using this approach, I build a section that repeats mirrored a few times, and the monotony is broken with a few calls-to-action elements.


For the Home page design, I used a balanced approach between images and text. Photos are taking the lead with more extensive exposure, and just a few minimum lines of text explain the base message and the user is invited to click to read the main article. White space allows the eye to “breathe” and “rest” on the news, allowing the user time to grasp the value of the message.


A responsive approach is vital for the newsletter tech portal, and structuring the message, is a must. Some sections were reduced to the essential, and some were shortened to minimize scrolling and download time. On the mobile version, the text will take the lead above the images because the download time needs to keep under control.


I was surprised to see the volume of information used in the case of a portal and how important it is to be structured and presented efficiently. Because the tech industry has been my passion all my life subject was somehow familiar and dear to my heart, but very soon, I realized that I’d need specialized expert advice.

When you develop something, it is essential to have not a good idea of the subject, but you need to know A LOT because you need to deliver at specific standards. In my case, it was perfect to have a lot of expert help from Gorgeo Stapulos, a senior tech adviser, and I’m using this opportunity to thank him for all the help.

The whole process was a good learning curve experience for me and a good opportunity to work a big corporate project and to be able to manage and address a big quantity of information.